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History  COSA  OOSPP  Clergy  Main


 The Celtic Order of Saint Adamnan (COSA) trains and recruits monks and clergy under the watchful eye of its Abbot, The Right Reverend Julian Roche.

As Abbot of the teaching order, Right Rev. Julian interviews those who feel called to Holy Orders and undertakes police checks, etc before 'laying on of hands' (signifying admittance to the order), can take place. He then instructs the Brother or Sister in the practical aspects of becoming a Deacon and/or a Priest, before they become full clergy of the Celtic Apostolic Church.

If you are interested in joining the Celtic Order of St. Adamnan, you should take some time to read over the Rule of Cosa, and then download an application form and return it to The Celtic Church In The Scotland.

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minicrossThe Rule of COSA

Our Rule is an interpretation of the 6th century Rule of St. Columba

  • 1. Do not do things that please others but do not please God.
  • 2. As far as possible imitate Christ and the Apostles.
  • 3. Pray in a quiet and private place.
  • 4. Develop spiritual relationships with mature Christian men and women.
  • 5. Keep away from those who delight in gossip or criticism.
  • 6. Do not confide in people who are lazy or cannot control their tongues.
  • 7. Be submissive to those God has put in authority over you.
  • 8. Be prepared to die for the faith.
  • 9. Be disciplined, organised and methodical in all that you do.
  • 10. Forgive your enemies and pray for them.
  • 11. Spend some time regularly each day in prayer, good work and reading the Bible.
  • 12. Help those in need.
  • 13. Neither overeat, oversleep or speak more than you have to.
  • 14. Love God with all your heart and strength.
  • 15. Love your neighbour as yourself.

minicrossOur Saint: St Adamnan

 The Order is named after the Celtic Abbot of Iona. St. Adamnan, who was born at Drumhome in the county of Donegal in Ireland in the year 625.He entered a monastery there as a Novice, and on completion of his training he took his vows and became a Monk. Some time later Adamnan, moved to the Holy Island of Iona, where he having so impressed his brethren by his hard work and piety, was eventually installed as the ninth Abbot of the monastery in the year 697.

During his time at Iona, Adamnan, gave sanctuary to Alfrid, when the crown of Northumbria was in dispute, after the death of Alfrid’s father, King Oswy, some two years later in 686, when Alfrid had ascended the throne, Adamnan visited him to secure the release of a number of Irish prisoners.

In 688 Adamnan made several visits to English monasteries and was persuaded by St. Ceolfrid to adopt the Roman calendar for fixing the date of Easter, from this time Adamnan worked ceaselessly and with great success, to persuade the Irish monasteries to replace many of the Celtic practices with those of the Roman Church.

He succeeded in convincing the Council of Birr that women should be exempt from wars and that women and children should not be taken as prisoners or slaughtered, the Council named the agreement "Adamnan’s Law".

Adamnan was a scholar, noted for his piety, he wrote A Life Of St. Columba, one of the most important biographies of the Middle Ages, he was also the author of "De locis sanctis", a description of the East which was related to him, by a Frankish Bishop, Arculf, whose ship had been driven of course and went aground near Iona, whilst on his way home from Jerusalem.

Some Scottish historians believe that, St. Adamnan established a monastery at Dull, in Perthshire, although no standing ruins are visible, nor have any been found as yet. Adamnan was, in accordance with Celtic tradition declared a Saint during his own life time, and is also known, in Ireland as St. Eunan, the name Adamnan when translated from the Gaelic means Little Adam (or "Wee Adam").

Adamnan died at his monastery on the island of Iona, on the 23rd day of September in the year of our Lord 704, his feast day being celebrated each year on that date.

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